Posted on June 20, 2011.
Welcome to the police state of NY. The amount of?random?stop and frisks in the video is disgusting. What is even more disturbing is that no one questions it and they just allow the?officers?to violate them. Also at around the 4:00 mark you can see an undercover officer smack a photographers camera and give him lawful unlawful?order not to record him.
Recently NY was ranked 50 as the least free state in the?union. ?Although I don?t agree when they say drug laws and victemless crimes are better than average as I see the complete opposite. You can see how your state ranks here
The Mercatus Center found
New York is by far the least free state in the Union. It has also experienced the most interstate emigration of any state over the last decade. New York has by far the highest taxes in the country. Property, selective sales, individual income, and corporate-income taxes are particularly high. Spending on public welfare, hospitals, electric power, transit, employee retirement, and ?other and unallocable? expenses are well above national norms. Only Alaska has more government debt as a percentage of the economy. On personal freedoms, gun laws are extremely restrictive, but marijuana laws are better than average, while tobacco laws are extremely strict, and cigarette taxes are the highest in the country. Motorists are highly regulated, and homeschool regulations are excessive, but nondrug victimless-crimes arrests are low. New York has the strictest health-insurance community-rating regulations in the country, which have wiped out the individual market. Mandated coverages are worse than average but were actually cut back substantially in 2007?2008. Eminent domain abuse is rampant and unchecked. Perversely (in our view), the state has stricter contribution limits for grassroots PACs than for corporate and union PACs. On the positive side, occupational licensing is somewhat better than average.
Policy Recommendations
- The most liberal state in the country can surely find the political will to legalize same-sex partnerships of some kind.
- Cut spending in all the areas mentioned above, privatize (and rate-regulate) transit systems, and cut taxes across the board.
- Reduce the burdensome testing, notification, and recordkeeping requirements on homeschoolers.
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